Lithium Batteries: Safe Installation

More and more boat owners are shifting towards lithium batteries, and for good reason—they store more energy in the same amount of space, they have a longer lifespan, they're lighter, and virtually maintenance-free too.

However, safely replacing traditional lead-acid batteries with lithium requires more than just a straightforward swap. This transition requires careful consideration and expertise to ensure safety and optimal performance.

Without getting super technical, lithium batteries differ significantly from traditional lead-acid batteries in terms of their power profile. This includes how they charge and discharge, their voltage stability, and their energy storage capabilities. Which means the devices connected to the batteries—such as the charge controller, alternator, and DC converter - need to change for lithium.

If lithium batteries aren’t installed correctly, you simply won’t get the performance, reliability and lifespan lithium batteries can deliver. And the worst-case scenario, a boat owner risks the serious issue of an on-board fire - which may void any insurance cover you have and potentially put lives in danger.

Lithium Batteries

Talk to a Professional

To guarantee a smooth and safe transition, always start with a consultation from a skilled marine electrician who understands the specifics of lithium battery installation in marine environments. The HMB Team have the expertise and we only sell brands that comply with NZ Marine Standards, such as Victron, Mastervolt and Juice.


Upgrading a British Visitor